
Polytechnic Institute of Paris

In Palaiseau, France, the Polytechnic Institute of Paris (French: Institut polytechnique de Paris) is a research university system. Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE ParisTech, and École Polytechnique are the five engineering schools.

The Polytechnic Institute of Paris, along with the Paris-Saclay University, is a partner in the Paris-Saclay project, which is a research-intensive academic campus and business cluster being built on the Plateau de Saclay near Paris. The project brings together a number of engineering schools and research centres that are affiliated with some of the world's most prestigious research institutions.

Polytechnic Institute of Paris History

After World War II, the rapid growth of nuclear physics and chemistry necessitated the development of increasingly powerful accelerators, which necessitated the use of large areas. The University of Paris, the École Normale Supérieure, and the Collège de France were looking for a location near Orsay in the south of Paris. The University of Paris's branch in Orsay eventually became an independent university known as Paris Sud University. The École polytechnique joined the region in 1976, when it relocated from central Paris to Palaiseau. Other institutes, most notably ENS Cachan, Télécom Paris, and ENSTA, joined the region in the following decades as part of the Paris-Saclay project, a national effort to bring together research and business activities.

These institutes were merged in 2015 to form Paris-Saclay University, a university community (ComUE). The goal was to be recognised as a sufficiently large and high-quality entity, as well as to become a top-ranked, research-oriented French university. Each member institution would remain autonomous, but a substantial portion of existing and newly invested resources would be shared. This is similar to the University of Oxford and Cambridge's model, in which each constituent college retains its autonomy while being grouped under a 'university.'

Polytechnic Institute of Paris Ranking

Ranking By



QS World University Rankings



Times Higher Education



U.S. News & World Report



Polytechnic Institute of Paris Research Organisations

The Polytechnic Institute of Paris has established research centres for the following research organisations. These organisations' contributions will be largely independent of the contributions of other member institutions.

  • CEA (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission)
  • CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
  • Inria (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation)
  • INSERM (French Institute of Health and Medical Research)
  • Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies)
  • INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Sciences)
  • ONERA (National Board of Study and Aerospace Research)
  • SOLEIL (national synchrotron facility)

Ten Departments of Disciplinary Education and Research

  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Chemistry and Processes
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • Department of Information, Communication and Electronics
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Mechanics and Energetics
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Social sciences and Management
  • Department of Humanities, Art, Literature and Languages

High-Quality Research and Development

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris conducts research in its 30 high-end laboratories of its five founding Schools, as well as in its new interdisciplinary centres, and through numerous strategic partnerships with private and public research partners. Students are encouraged to create their own projects and have access to entrepreneurship and innovation learning facilities such as fabLab, e-lab, design studios, and incubators. Students also benefit from close collaboration with businesses and research institutions.

Polytechnic Institute of Paris Campus

The campus is situated on a unique 200-hectare site in one of the world's eight leading innovation clusters. It provides students with free and unrestricted access to the extensive resources of its six libraries. It has numerous indoor and outdoor sporting facilities, as well as student associations. Student residences are either on campus or in nearby cities and Paris. The campus is easily accessible by public transportation, allowing students to take advantage of the French capital's economic dynamism and rich cultural life.

Polytechnic Institute of Paris Programs

Cycle Ingénieur Programs

At Institut Polytechnique de Paris, each School has its own 3-year (or 4-year) Engineering programme. International students who have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies are eligible to take a highly selective entrance examination. It provides a flexible and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific and technical education. The programmes include solid competencies in management, law, economics, and social sciences, as well as strong interactions with companies and laboratories.

Masters Degree Programs

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris provides Master's programmes in fundamental and applied sciences in a variety of fields with an international focus. They prepare graduates to engineer industrial innovations by teaching them by leading academics and renowned experts.

  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics Program
  • Biology and Health Program
  • Chemistry Program
  • Computer Science Program
  • Design Program
  • Economics Program
  • Electrical Engineering Program
  • Energy Program
  • Innovation, Industry and Society Program
  • Mathematics and Applications Program
  • Mechanics Program
  • Nuclear Energy Program
  • Physics Program
  • Sociology Program

Frequently asked questions

Is Polytechnic Institute of Paris good ?
The Polytechnic Institute of Paris is ranked 15th in the world in terms of graduate employer reputation. This acknowledgement of the excellence of its five founding schools – École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, and Télécom SudParis – places IP Paris in the top 4% of the world's 1,300 universities ranked by QS.
Is it hard to get into Polytechnic Institute of Paris ?
It's not going to be easy. Particularly the math courses. The French are well-known for their mathematical abilities, and for good reason. Before enrolling in École Polytechnique (or any other engineering school in France), students must complete a rigorous two-year preparation course (called 'prépa') for the admission exams.
Is Polytechnic Institute of Paris prestigious ?
The École Polytechnique (French: l'École polytechnique, commonly referred to as la Polytechnique) is one of France's most prestigious and selective grandes écoles. The Polytechnic Institute of Paris is a constituent member of the school.
What is the ranking of Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris for 2022 was ranked #49 in the QS World University Rankings, and #95 by the Times Higher Education rankings.
How many research organisations Institut Polytechnique de Paris have ?
The Polytechnic Institute of Paris has established ten Research Departments for eight different research organisations.
How many research laboratories Institut Polytechnique de Paris have ?
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris conducts research in its 30 high-end laboratories from its five founding Schools, as well as in new interdisciplinary centres and through numerous strategic partnerships with private and public research partners.
How big is Institut Polytechnique de Paris Campus ?
The campus is located on a one-of-a-kind 200-hectare site in one of the world's top eight innovation clusters. It gives students free and unrestricted access to its six libraries' extensive resources. It has a variety of indoor and outdoor sporting facilities, as well as student organisations.
How many master programme are offred in Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers Master's programmes in fundamental and applied sciences with a global perspective. There are 56 master's degrees available in 14 fields.
How is the campus life in Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris campus, located on the Plateau de Saclay, houses its five founding Schools. It provides top-notch facilities for students, faculty members, and staff to pursue their activities in a lively and stimulating environment.
How is the sport facilities in Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
  • At IP Paris, they encourage you to participate in sports and want to make it easy for you, because it develops team spirit, perseverance, and the ability to push yourself, in addition to physical qualities.
  • Tennis, horseback riding, football, volleyball, dance, swimming, and other sports are available on campus in a variety of indoor and outdoor facilities.
How many student clubs are at Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
Students at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris have access to a lot of dynamic associations spread across its five schools.
How is the library service at Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
The six libraries of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris provide students with free access to their extensive resources as well as welcoming study spaces.
What is the career option in Institut Polytechnique de Paris ?
  • More than 95 percent of graduates find a job within four months of graduation.

  • Students at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris can take advantage of a variety of career services, such as recruitment forums, workshop sessions, and mentoring programmes.

  • Students benefit from a large network of over 60,000 alumni, which includes CEOs, well-known researchers, entrepreneurs, inventors, and political leaders. Learn about the alumni associations.