
Paris Saclay University

Paris-Saclay University (French: Universite Paris-Saclay) is an academic institution of the public sector located within Paris, France. It's part of Paris-Saclay initiative which is a highly-research-intensive academic campus and a business cluster that is being built at the Plateau de Saclay near Paris and serves as the primary institute for training and research within the cluster of technology that is Paris-Saclay. The University is comprised of a number of French major grandes Ecoles, top faculties, colleges, and research centers that form part of the top research institutes in different fields. Paris-Saclay has earned a particular reputation in the field of mathematics. Since 2021 the University had 12 Fields Medalists have been affiliated to the University as well as its research institutes, including The Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, which is generally considered to be the place that gave rise to modern algebraic geometry as well as catastrophe theory.

It is worth noting that Paris-Saclay University was ranked 13th globally for the year 2021 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) ranking. For subject assessments, it ranked first in the world for Mathematics and 9th in the globe with regard to Physics (1st among Europe) in addition to being awarded an honorable mention in the top 25 in the field of Medicine and Agriculture.

Paris-Saclay University Ranking

  • Academic Ranking of World Universities: #13 in 2021

  • QS World University Rankings: #86 in 2022

  • World University Rankings: #117 in 2022

  • Best Global Universities Rankings: #274 in 2020

Paris-Saclay University History

Numerous reports have identified the top actions to take to enhance the Saclay technology and science cluster, including the report from 2004 entitled "Pour un ecosysteme de la croissance" by Christian Blanc, a member of the French parliament during the period. In June 2007 and later in January 2008 in January 2008, the French government confirmed the plan as one of its top priorities.

Paris-Saclay University Research Programs

The Paris-Saclay University gathers together more than 300 research units which are organized into 10 doctoral programs:

  • Chemistry (Chimie)

  • Electrical engineering, optics and electronics (EOE: Ingenierie electrique, optique et electronique)

  • Mathematics

  • Mechanics, energy and physical processes (MEP: Mecanique, energetique et proceeds)

  • Subatomic physics and astrophysics (P2I: Physique des deux infinis)

  • Wave and matter physics (PHOM: Physique des ondes et de la matiere)

  • Planetary science and cosmology (SPU: Sciences de la Planete et de Univers)

  • Life sciences (SDV: Sciences de la Vie)

  • Human and social sciences (SHS: Sciences de l'Homme et de la Societe)

  • Information and communication sciences and technologies (STIC: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication).

Paris-Saclay University Academic Programs

Each school that is a member of Paris-Saclay University organizes training in the field of science in which they are. According to the requirements of their program of study, the student who is studying at a particular graduate school will be able to access educational resources offered by other universities.

The diverse disciplines of study in Paris-Saclay University are broadly categorized into the following categories:

  • Biodiversity, Agriculture and Food, Society, Environment (Biodiversite, Agriculture et Alimentation, Societe, Environnement) ;

  • Biology, Medicine, Pharmaceutical studies (Biologie, Medicine, Pharmacie) ;

  • Law, Political Science (Droit et Science Politique) ;

  • Humanities (Humanities) ;

  • Engineering, Sciences and Information Technologies (Ingenierie, Sciences et Technologies de l'information) ;

  • Sport and Human Motion Sciences (Sciences du Sport et du Mouvement Humain) ;

  • Basic Sciences (Sciences Fondamentales) ;

  • Social Sciences (Sciences Sociales).

The academic curriculum in all 8 schools will be following the Anglo-American model.

Paris-Saclay University Organisation

The Paris-Saclay University consists of five faculties in Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Law-Economics-Management and Sports Sciences, an Engineering school; three technical institutes specialized in scientific and technical subjects in Cachan, Orsay, Sceaux, and an undergraduate university school.The University also brings together four grandes ecoles: CentraleSupelec, AgroParisTech, ENS Paris-Saclay and the Institut d'Optique Graduate School, with two associate institutions: Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ) and University of Evry Val d'Essonne (UEVE).It combines resources from the following French universities and grandes ecoles, as well as partial resources from various research organizations and the Systematic Paris-Region cluster:Initially, the community of universities also included five other grandes Ecoles: Ecole Polytechnique, Telecom Paris, Telecom SudParis, ENSTA Paris and ENSAE Paris. But due to the differences in University setup, these five Ecoles formed their own University Polytechnic Institute of Paris. The announcement was made during a speech by French President Emmanuel Macron during a speech in Paris-Saclay. Both clusters are planning to collaborate and engage in the creation of several Master's degree programs with Paris-Saclay University. Paris-Saclay University

Paris-Saclay University Services

Student Services

Information required prior to arriving in France, including visa applications, accommodation, and bank accounts, as well as social security and health insurance, is available on the official website of the University.

Services for Housing

Are you seeking a place to stay near the university campus at Universite Paris-Saclay? Here's what you need to be aware of.

For students, you can contact:

  • The CROSS of Versailles. They manage 6 student residences on the campus.

  • Heberjeunes provides housing services for students. They are located in the Paris-Sud campus of the University .

If you're an academic, reach us at :

  • Science Accueil assists foreign scientists, doctoral students, and interns in finding housing. Science Accueil's housing services provide more than 3,000 rooms within Saclay.

It is important to note that certain colleges have their own accommodation program. It's the case for HEC L'Ecole polytechnique as well as ENSTA ParisTech.

Library Services

A library exists in each of the institutions that are members that are part of the University.

Paris-Saclay University Campus Life

Between Paris between Paris and Versailles, The Universite Paris-Saclay campus is located in one of the most important private and commercial research zones in Europe. This makes it an environment that encourages innovations and the growth of industrial activities. Universite Paris-Saclay is also an area that is accessible to everyone close to a beautiful, cultural and historical landmark which is the national park of the High Valley of Chevreuse, which is still a rural zone one of the most stunning, but also one of the most sought-after areas in Ile-de-France. The landscapes are characterized from early in Middle Ages by the presence of powerful princes and lords who symbolize their power through their iconic landscapes and abbeys.

Paris-Saclay University Student Clubs

Entrepreneurship at Paris-Saclay University:

  • 210 creative projects were selected

  • There are 125 projects that have been supported with an overall budget of EUR8m

  • 120 start-ups have been supported from 2014

  • 28 of the most innovative facilities for prototyping

  • 5 Clusters: Security Space Defence, Energy, Mobility, ICT, Health

Support and training for young graduates and students with entrepreneurial ideas are provided with the help of PEIPS's Innovation division, within which the PEIPS network is based.

Start In Saclay, an association that connects students and young entrepreneurs to form a network of entrepreneurs in a series of events.

It was created as part of the French "Investments for the future" program. It is. The SATT Paris-Saclay is a form of major TTO that is closely associated in conjunction with the Innovation division.

Paris-Saclay University Career

Over the years, Universite Paris-Saclay's founding members have been a major contributor in the education of a huge number of international and national individuals in the fields of science (2 Nobel Prizes and 6 Fields Medals), 38 ERC Laureates ...), economics, and politics).

Paris-Saclay University Research

The strategy for scientific research is one of the many aspects of crucial areas that span from basic research to industrial issues and applied sciences. This comprehensive strategy is enhanced with cross-cutting projects on socio-economic issues as well as the creation of platforms that are shared.

The research at Universite Paris-Saclay so organized in 10 departments with a primary purpose is to aid in the creation of a strategic vision that is shared by all members within their respective areas of expertise and to oversee its implementation.

Many key initiatives were chosen during 2013 and 2014, in conjunction with equipment and science strategic projects as well as interdisciplinary PhDs.

Paris-Saclay University Education

High Academic Standing 9000 Master's students with 48 Master's programs mutualized with 350 tracks for Master's students that are coordinated within eight thematic schools; 5500 Ph.D. students at 20 doctoral schools

Interdisciplinarity is one of the Universite Paris-Saclay's main goals. It provides students who are future researchers and executives an education at the highest level, both theoretical as well as practical, with particular emphasis on doctoral education and research-focused Master' programs for students with different backgrounds. At the Master's and Doctoral levels, bridges to "grande ecole" and university education are another major strength of the University's strategic plan.

Frequently asked questions
