How to question and answer in an essay to score the perfect

How to question and answer in an essay to score the perfect

A piece of writing that presents the author's own argument is called an essay. it encompasses paper, essays, etc. Essays have grown to be a significant component of formal education across the majority of the nation. Students are taught structured essay format in order to develop their writing abilities. Admission essays are then used by universities to evaluate candidates and final exam essays in the humanities and social sciences are then utilized to measure students' performance.

Additionally, there are other types of essays, such as comparing and contrasting, which include a basis for comparison, points of comparison, and more. In this form of writing, the writer must contrast two types of writing with respect to similar issues in order to show the differences between two or more objects. Determine your purpose in this type of writing by thinking about your thesis statement. Additionally, there is a history essay that contains a history essay. Sometimes called a thesis, it simply describes a claim about one or more historical events and provides facts, arguments, and references to back it up. Additionally, there are other sorts of essays, such as argumentative and narrative essays.

Finally, we will discuss in this blog how the question-and-answer strategy works like magic in every sort of simple writing and how this technique engages the reader and makes easy writing a nice and easy to understandable concept. and by following these strategies, you'll perform well on the examination.

What is the question-and-answer technique?

This is a useful tool that can improve your essay writing and aid in achieving the highest possible grade in your academic career; it is not a completely dull Q&A session. This technique basically makes it clear in your mind that you will need to write this much about this topic and helps you connect the dots in each paragraph and step. It also makes it clear to first write the question that you will attempt in each part of the essay before answering it.

What is the ideal essay format?

Following that, we must examine the essay structure before examining how to apply this method to each component of the essay.

  • Read the given information on the topic
  • Make a plan
  • Introduction
  • Main body paragraph
  • Conclusion
  • References

This is the basic structure of the essay that you may follow if you must follow the technique in essay writing let us see in detail how to write these steps in essay writing and how the question-and-answer approach is beneficial in all parts of essay writing.

Read the given information on the topic

In this section, you must analyse in depth the information provided by the professor, which includes the topic, question that you must attempt in the essay, and that information is essentially focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and comprehension. and you have to determine what type of purpose this essay has by reading the information regarding the topic. In this situation, you can simply use the question-and-answer technique to learn more about the information that has been supplied to you and to receive answers to any questions that you may have while reading the information.

Make a plan

Write about your plan for gathering data and locating references. Consider how you will outline the essay and how you will make it look appealing. Make a strategy to write every point and step that you will take when writing the essay, as well as compose each part, create an outline, and incorporate the question and answer technique. It will assist you in doing the work correctly, making every item on point, and attempting the essay effectively.


The opening establishes the tone for the rest of your essay. and the very first sentence of the introduction ought to grab your readers' interest and politeness. In this section, you must include background information on your topic, as well as write your thesis statement, which could be an argument or your opinion on the subject. Now, let us examine how you will apply the question-and-answer technique. In this section, you begin with a question relevant to your topic and then provide the solution in your essay. This will be the most engaging part of the introduction.

The body paragraph

The body of the essay is where the argument is made to support the thesis. In this section, you can use questions and answers strategically to provide more information and support the thesis that we have to attempt in the first place. you can start writing it by using a topic sentence and some examples to validate the argument. And here you can just ask a question, answer it in detail, and then link it to the next sentence. that shows how easy and fascinating this process is.


In this section, we must write about what we have addressed throughout the essay and offer our opinions. You can use the question and answer technique to summarise your argument and leave the reader with something to think about. and this will allow you to write the assignment successfully.


Finally, when it comes to references, you should be questioning yourself about the best technique to write it so that you don't screw it up with another type of referencing.


In this blog, we have seen and learnt how to utilise a question-and-answer format that is effective and will help you score well. By utilising this format, you will also write on topic and never fail to connect the dots.

Frequently asked questions

How are essay questions graded ?

Rating the Essay Question

  • Prior to creating your scoring rubric, choose whether you'll employ a holistic or analytical grading approach.
  • Make the essay scoring criteria in advance.
  • Do not examine names.
  • Each item is scored separately.
  • When grading a specific question, stay away from disruptions.
What is the question-and-answer technique ?

This is a useful tool that can improve your essay writing and aid in achieving the highest possible grade in your academic career; it is not a completely dull Q&A session. 

What is the ideal essay format ?
  • Read the given information on the topic
  • Make a plan
  • Introduction
  • Main body paragraph
  • Conclusion
  • References
How do you begin an essay response to a question ?

Change the question as a thesis statement to begin your response. A strong thesis statement provides a straightforward response to the inquiry.

Is a 5 an acceptable essay grade ?

The fact that readers tend to favor the center of the scale in standardized test essays is a practically universal reality. The most typical combined SAT scores are 4s, 5s, and 6 since readers prefer 2s and 3s.

How can I become a topper ?
  • Attending classes often.
  • If you don't prepare, you're preparing to fail.
  • Cram less and Understand More.
  • Revising frequently.
  • A man becomes perfect by practice.
  • Refuse to prepare for exams at the last minute.
  • Develop an Interest in Your Studying.
  • Take Note of Your Errors.
How do You study effectively ?

Learn More While Studying Less

  • Reading is not the same as studying.
  • Recognize the study cycle.
  • Spacing is beneficial.
  • Intensity is beneficial.
  • Not all silence is golden.
  • Your friends are your problems.
  • Think twice before multitasking.
  • Change the setting.
How do you succeed in an essay ?

Five Pointers for Writing Successful Essays

  • Answer the question directly.
  • Deal with Your Errors.
  • Demonstrate Your Well-Roundedness.
  • Include a Personal Touch.
  • Proofread, last but certainly not least.
What is the score for the best essay ?

For the SAT Essay, you'll earn three scores—one for each dimension—ranging from 2 to 8 points.

How do you score 100% marks ?
  • A Time Management Study Plan That Works.
  • Concentrate on Practicing NCERT Books.
  • List Out Important Questions & Notes.
  • Understanding Concepts Rather Than Cramming.
  • Self-testing using sample papers and practice exams.